Our Services
Psychiatric care offered online at your convenience
HAWONS offers varieties of mental healthcare services to adult individuals living in the state of California through video visits or in-person visits here in San Diego. HAWONS strives to meet and surpass the clients’ expectations in providing a holistic approach to their treatments. Likewise, motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavior therapy, transcultural nursing, health promotion and disease prevention are some of the treatment tools/ methods embedded in the provision of our mental healthcare services to revitalize our client’s wellbeing and further enhance their quality of life.
Conducting mental health assessments
Diagnostic evaluations are employed to determine the your treatment goals, and if medication is needed. This process often involves self-administered questionnaires, participation in structured and unstructured psychiatric interviews, and the gathering of medical records of the your past and present health histories.
Making treatment referrals to other healthcare professionals
Referrals to nonmedication-based services care like psychotherapy, (es)ketamine treatment, repetitive transmagnetic stimulation (rTMS), neuropsychological testing, clinical trials, primary care and specialist care, as this may be necessary to augment your individualized plan of care.
Providing psychiatric medication management
Individualized treatment plans may involve the use of prescription medications as this may be essential towards your recovery.
Ordering of lab work and genetic test, if necessary
Some medications like clozapine, lithium, valproate acid, and antipsychotic agents necessitates blood works for monitoring and maintenance. This helps ensure your safety while taking the medications.
Psychiatric Evaluation
A psychiatric evaluation is a key step in understanding your mental health. During this appointment, which typically lasts 45 to 90 minutes, your healthcare provider will carefully gather information about your symptoms and medical history. Towards the end of the visit, they will share their assessments, suggest treatment options, and address any questions or concerns you may have.
How it will benefit you?
A psychiatric evaluation is crucial for accurately diagnosing your mental health condition and receiving tailored treatment recommendations. By undergoing this evaluation, you gain clarity on your condition and access personalized care to support your journey towards mental well-being.
Appointment process and policies
Appointment process Before your first appointment is confirmed with Dr. Jay, you will be asked to complete the intake form. This form contains questions about your health history and some screening questions. Please be patient in completing the form. The information provided in the form is very important. This will help us prepare for the appointment and maximize the full benefits of your time during the video visit.Once your appointment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation along with the link for the video visit. Your initial session will take about 45 minutes. This is an opportunity for Dr. Jay to confirm the information or clarify some of the information you provided in the intake form to better understand your health care needs and identify your concerns. Likewise, this is also the chance for you to determine if I'm a good fit as your mental healthcare provider. Before we end the session, we will create treatment plans and goals that is suited for your mental healthcare needs.I prefer to have a closer monitoring of my patients during the early treatment phase. The subsequent sessions will be shorter than the initial one, about 30 minutes or less. Once your health is more stable with the treatment regimen, we can change the frequency of our appointments pending on changes made on the treatment plan. My end goal is for you to feel better and achieve remissions of your symptoms.